Don't forget about your kidneys!

Don't forget about your kidneys!

How to look after your Kidneys


The kidneys are vital to our overall health as they carry out a number of important functions in the body.

The kidneys main function is to remove waste from the body, but they also do so much more! This organ balances blood pressure, reduces the risk of anaemia, supports healthy pH, supports heart and nerve health and helps to convert vitamin D to its active form. 

Many people are unaware of how much we rely on our kidneys, so we feel it is important to shed some light, and share some tips on how to support your kidney health. 

If you experience any of the symptoms mentioned in the slides on our instagram, please seek medical advice. 

Top Tips


1. Stay hydrated - regular, consistent filtered water intake supports healthy kidney function and filtration, removing excess sodium and toxins from the kidneys. How much water you need depends entirely on your health and lifestyle, but generally aim for 1.5 - 2L of water a day and increase if breastfeeding or more active. Consider sipping on a gentle therapeutic herbal tea to support kidney detoxification. Click HERE for our Organic Purify Tea. 


2. Be mindful of your medication - taking daily or large amounts of over the counter medications such as NSAIDS (ibuprofen, naproxen), diuretics and ACE inhibitors (heart/ cardiovascular medication) can be detrimental to your kidney health. Always consult with your medical practitioner and monitor your levels. 


3. Monitor your sodium intake - the right amount of sodium supports healthy blood pressure, but when you have too much it can increase your blood pressure and place burden on your kidneys. The maximum amount of salt an adult should eat a day is roughly 6g or 1 heaped tsp.

Avoid processed foods including processed and cured meats, fried foods, packaged food including cereals and always look at the label of products. Consider adding more herbs/ spices to season your meal. 


4. Manage healthy blood sugars - when your body is struggling to utilise the glucose (sugar) in your blood, your kidneys are forced to work extra hard to filter it out of the body. Overtime this can cause damage to the kidneys, therefore it is important to be managing your blood sugars. 

Maintain balanced meals throughout the day, with protein, carbohydrates and healthy fats within each. Avoid refined sugar and trans fat and consider having more frequent, smaller meals throughout the day if you are unable to tolerate larger portions. 


5. Move your body daily - moving promotes healthy blood flow and circulation, improves cardiovascular health and in turn manages blood pressure and the elimination of waste from the body. Find movement practices that you enJOY and implement them into your life. Always listen to your body to make sure you do not over do it. 


6. Remove toxicity - anything that can place extra unnecessary burden on your kidney function, remove it. Smoking, environmental pollutants, chemical cleaning products - home and personal. 


7. Manage stress - stress is a known contributor to blood sugar irregularities/ diabetes, obesity and high blood pressure, all of which the kidneys have a role in managing. Consider implementing daily stress management practices. If stress is a big part of your life, we invite you to explore our online course offering, BODY - click HERE to learn more. 


We recommend taking a visit to your local GP for further testing and monitoring if you are experiencing symptoms of imbalance. 


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